Want to build a solid career in IT?

Tired of desktop support?

Are you dynamic, a quick learner and have the discipline and the drive to build a career, and just wish someone would give you a chance?

Then we’re speaking to the right person!

We want to give you:

1. An opportunity to prove yourself
2. With a chance for a paying internship
3. And a full career opportunity

All you have to do to make it to the interview is complete the tasks below in your own time. When you’re done, contact us at applications@mitigate.co.za with the subject line: “I’m ready for my interview”, then attach your CV (no matter how thin it may be) and we’ll set up a time for you to show us what you can do.

Your tasks are as follows:


  • Set up a Linux VM using Centos 7
  • Set up an Apache web server
  • The server must serve up a home page with your name on it.
  • The configuration must be persistent after reboot
  • Your work must be done from command-line only
  • Your web site must be accessible across the local network from another machine


  • Your server must be accessible via SSH
  • The SSH must only allow public key authentication


  • Lock down access to your server using iptables that only allow ports 80 and 22 to access it

4. Only to be done once 1, 2 and 3 are complete:

  • Install a TLS certificate for Apache on your web server and serve your page via port 443 (HTTPS)
  • Having trouble with this one? Still drop us a line!

When you come in for your interview you must bring your computer and present what you did and why. You will be challenged.

You can Google to your hearts’ content! (that’s not even cheating!)

We look forward to seeing you.