
Operational Monitoring

Mitigate provides operational monitoring of servers, networks and applications.  This is critical to the overall operations of the organization.  Mitigate is ideally positioned to perform this monitoring as:

  • Existing IT staff are typically busy running and fixing systems
  • Hence your staff continue to run the systems, we take over the monitoring of the systems
  • We can monitor 24×7
  • We can present monitoring information in near-real-time to existing administrators and managers on dashboards while taking over completely after hours.

Examples of the monitoring that can be done:

  • Servers
    • Availability
    • CPU
    • RAM
    • Disk space
    • Disk IO
    • Critical processes
  • Networks
    • Bandwidth
    • Errors
  • E-mail
    • Availability
    • Speed in and out
  • Applications
    • Availability
    • Responsiveness (depending on application component)

Security Monitoring

Mitigate provides security monitoring, alerting and remediation services via our 24x7x365 Security Operations Centre (SOC).

More specifically:

  • Identify, manage and respond to security incidents and events
  • Manage event logs from deployed Security Agents
  • Threat monitoring
  • Analyse and report on security incidents.
  • Remediate identified security incidents through onsite resolver teams.
  • On-going security consultations with monthly reporting
  • Managed Security Services (Firewall, IPS, AV, Vulnerability Management, etc)


Compliance Monitoring

Organisations typically have their own Policies and Procedures. Mitigate can apply these rules and policies and then Monitor for exceptions, or infringements, on a priority basis.

There is a strong drive within Government, and Business, to ensure the POPI legislation is adhered to. This effectively means that all Organisations must comply; otherwise they will be subject to prosecution with penalties including large fines and imprisonment if they do not. GSOC is able to measure and monitor to ensure that Organisations are compliant, and remain so, with the POPI act.

This can be done for future legislation as well as Industry specific requirements or Audit Committee recommendations.